Projects menu Fig.0 This menu, or variants of it, is found in several of METER’s dialogs and displays. It lists recently active projects, with sub-menus to display time-billing projects, and less recently used projects. When you first launch METER, the menu will show only one project, the Owner project. This project acts as METER’s administrator, and several of METER’s functions are only available if the Owner project is currently active. Select a project to display its records exclusively. Use the ‘Original’ checkbox to set whether each record will be displayed under the project that created it, or the project to which it has since been assigned. Software menu Fig.1 This menu, or variants of it, is found in several of METER’s dialogs and displays. It lists your 25 most recently used software type, with sub-menus to display software types set up for document recording, shareware billing, and less recently used software. Select a software signature to display its records exclusively. ~ Report menu Fig.2 Use this menu to group the displayed records to show the information most important to you. Select Project, Software, or Name to pack all records for each project (or software type, or name) into a single line. This is useful for generating sub-totals, or for preparing to move groups of records from one project to another. Select ‘Invoice’ to summarise Earn and Share records by Project or Software (respectively), with mailing addresses attached. You can edit the final figures and print, copy, or save the results, or produce a Club Share payment. Calculate menu Fig.3 Use this menu to view elapsed time, percent of total recorded time, percent of real (‘life’) time, or histogram (bar chart). Select ‘Hours only’ to force all times to be reported as hours (rather than as seconds, minutes, or days), for example to export data to a spreadsheet. Output menu Fig.4 Use this menu to format and output the displayed records. You can select an export format (PICT or TEXT), copy the records to the clipboard, save them to file, or print them. You can choose to suppress the titles and/or totals lines, for example to insert the data lines alone into a spreadsheet. You can switch off colour, for example for better results on a non-colour printer. You can include or suppress icons, or addresses (only on the Earn and Share screens), or abbreviate the list to fit a single printed page (about 30 records). Select Payment to send a Club Share payment of voluntary shareware fees and new software orders.